Observability in a Serverless World
Observability is one of the most essential parts of software development. Imagine the scenario: you’ve written your application code, tested it, and pushed it through your release process. Now, you can safely dust off your hands and move on to the next task. You’re also using serverless compute, which means everything is the cloud provider’s responsibility, right?
Until, of course, things go wrong. Applications break, and users do things you didn’t expect. Your serverless functions time out or receive unexpected inputs. At this point, how do you understand what caused your system to fail?
Join James Eastham from Datadog and Rahul Popat from AWS as they teach you about serverless, giving you a deeper understanding of what you need to consider as a developer to ensure your system is observable and that when you release software, you know exactly how it behaves in production.
Join us to learn about:
- How to approach building serverless applications on AWS in 2024
- How to think about observability when developing event-driven systems, and write code that is observable
- How to understand end to end system performance and system integrations using Datadog